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Anxiety and Depression Conference 2018 Anxiety and Depression Association of America Washington, D.C. April 5–8, 2018 Submission Deadline: August 14, 2017
The American Psychologist seeks manuscripts examining the impact of racial and ethnic trauma on people of color. Papers should delve into empirical research, theory, clinical counseling implication, or policy issues.
When young people lose a loved one, they may feel a sense of guilt or experience behavioral problems, social withdrawal, or fear of abandonment. This special issue of School Psychology Quarterly is devoted to studies on the nature and correlates of grief and loss, as well as novel methods and programs for working with children and school personnel.
This special issue aims to understand the impact of social class and economic marginalization in the lives of Latin women. Latinas, who often fulfill the role of caretaker for their families and households, can be especially vulnerable in areas plagued by violence, as they try to protect their children and homes. This issue will present a series of articles on both conceptual or theoretical concerns and empirically based observations related to the nature, impact, and treatment of the systematic and interpersonal economic marginalization of Latina women.
The editors will consider submissions across a broad area of research on positive psychology and well-being, including topics such as evaluating the effectiveness of, or mechanisms underlying, positive psychology interventions; analyzing the changeability or heritability of subjective well-being; and testing the generalizability of positive psychology findings across cultures. Manuscripts must be coauthored by at least one psychologist in training, written concisely for a broad audience, and focus on the practical implications of the research presented.
This special issue will publish examples of research that have successfully translated basic science into clinical practice, including both prevention and treatment interventions. Papers should describe the original research that preceded the development of the novel prevention or treatment intervention.
In an upcoming special issue, Psychology of Addictive Behaviors will address effective treatments for addiction. Review articles and meta-analyses should explore the background and efficacy of interventions such as motivational enhancement therapy, cognitive–behavioral therapy, contingency management, pharmacotherapies, 12-step programs, mindfulness-based therapies, and family therapies, especially among specific populations.
A special issue of The Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research will be dedicated to effective prevention of behavioral health problems in children and youth. Papers should examine all aspects of interventions that promote healthy youth development and prevent common behavioral problems in young people.
The editorial team of Psychological Bulletin is calling for meta-analyses and systematic reviews to answer questions on replication and reproducibility of psychological findings.
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