The Emerging, Invisible Gray Crisis by Ron Manderscheid, Ph.D.
Anyone who has worked in behavioral health knows that older adults are practically invisible. At the national level, they are rarely discussed; state and county agencies lack a focus on this population; and most provider organizations simply do not serve them. Historically, the field of mental health has been very adult oriented, with a more recent emphasis on children. Older persons have never received their fair level of attention.
Today we are witnessing the early phases of an invisible but emerging gray crisis surrounding the mental health of older adults. This brief commentary describes the nature of the crisis and some of the important steps that must be taken to address it.
The National Picture for Older Adults U.S. Census Bureau data show some astonishing trends for older adults. Between 2010 and 2030, the population of individuals age 65 and up is expected to grow from 40.2 to 72.1 million. At the same time, this segment of the public is likely to expand from 13.1 percent to 19.3 percent of our total population. If we look as far as 2060, the total number of older adults is likely to grow to 98 million—23.5 percent of our population (Colby & Ortman, 2014). Thus, in less than 50 years, one in four Americans will be an older adult.
Extensive mental health epidemiology is not available for the older adult population. However, two important studies shed some light on this topic. The first (Byers et al., 2010) found 12-month prevalence rates for the following conditions among people age 55 and over: mood disorders (4.9 percent), anxiety disorders (11.6 percent), and comorbid mood and anxiety disorders (2.8 percent). The data come from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication conducted between 2001 and 2003.
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Armed With More Federal Funding, States Tackle First-Episode Psychosis by Charles E. Lewis, Jr. A recent groundbreaking study that looked at patients across all healthcare settings found higher incidence rates of first-episode psychosis (FEP) than previously reported. Reviewing electronic records at five healthcare systems, the study's authors documented annual incidence rates for two age groups. Although FEP diagnoses were about two times as high among 15- to 29-year-olds than among 30- to 59-year-olds, the older group was twice the sample size, accounting for nearly half of confirmed cases. Prior research had estimated incidence rates as low as 15 per 100,000 per year and as high as 100 per 100,000. But this large, population-based study—the first to measure incidence across all medical settings—suggests there is a much greater demand for FEP treatment.
Last year, Congress directed SAMHSA to double the 5 percent set-aside of the Mental Health Block Grant (MHBG) for states to provide evidence-based programs that treat serious mental illness and FEP. The appropriations require states to use the funding solely for this purpose. And states are maximizing their newly expanded resources to offer more evidence-supported programs that shorten the duration of untreated psychosis and promote improved outcomes. The Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) is working closely with states to ensure these programs are successful, providing training and technical assistance coordinated by the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD) and the NASMHPD Research Institute.
Michigan Treatment Centers Address Early Symptoms of Psychosis Catharine Adams is a Michigan FEP training and implementation consultant. She manages four sites that use the NAVIGATE model of Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC), a recovery-oriented treatment program for people with FEP. Adams is also the owner and clinical director of ETCH: Early Treatment and Cognitive Health. She has worked in community mental health settings for more than three decades, helping adults with serious mental illness and their families. Although Adams is concerned that current funding models are structured too loosely around prevention, she is encouraged by the momentum she sees building throughout the country.
"I participated on an NTTAC [National Training and Technical Assistance Center] call for state leaders," says Adams, "and the latest number is that there are more than 120 sites across the country providing FEP services." Although she thinks it is a remarkable number, she is still highly aware of the challenges, like integrating third-party payors, servicing rural and frontier communities, monitoring fidelity, and encouraging professional development. Adams is pleased that federal agencies provide a wide array of technical assistance in the form of a learning collaborative, Webinars, and written materials. "The FEP national community is very generous with regard to expertise, experience, and tools, which has been significant to many of us working to make early intervention available in our communities," she says.
Ohio Programs Target Younger Population In Ohio, Angela Ivancic directs mental health outreach services at Catholic Charities, 1 of 11 FIRST programs offering CSC to 13 of the state's 88 counties. The programs are targeted to individuals between 15 and 40 years old who have experienced no more than 18 months of psychotic symptoms, been diagnosed with a psychotic or schizophrenia spectrum disorder, and consent to at least two available services. They employ a team approach that includes a psychiatrist, a nurse, three therapists, an employment specialist, and a Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment worker, with Ivancic as the team leader. The groups work with the client and his or her family members, all of whom are very much part of the decision-making process.
"Although our caseload is small," Ivancic says, "we have 70 percent of our clients either working, in school, or both. Families express less stress dealing with psychotic symptoms as they develop skills to better identify and manage the symptoms." Ivancic believes there are many more people who need help, and she sees denial and stigma keeping families from seeking assistance or continuing treatment. "It can take several months and possibly a rehospitalization before someone is really ready to work with us," she says.
Training and Resources Are Crucial for Effective FEP Treatment Ivancic thinks training and staff support are two keystones of effective FEP treatment. "Train, train, train," she says. "Find ways to reduce administrative burdens—cross-train so workers can back each other up. Supervision and support are paramount. We meet weekly as a team and have smaller breakout meetings when needed."
Adams agrees that administrative support and adequate time and resources for comprehensive training, as well as maintaining model fidelity, are central to the provision of effective services. She also sees inclusion of peer support workers as a valuable practice that is expanding nationally.
Pat Shea, deputy director for technical assistance and prevention at NASMHPD believes the bigger set-aside has had a substantial impact in reducing the duration of untreated psychosis and promoting improved outcomes for people with FEP. "There has been a significant degree of national momentum over the past 3 years under the MHBG set-aside, as states have expanded their efforts in program planning, implementation, operation, and monitoring to address the needs of individuals experiencing a first episode of psychosis," she says. Shea noted the wealth of resources provided by CMHS that can be found on the NASMHPD website, including archived Webinars on CSC–related topics and numerous educational resources.
For more on FEP programs through ETCH in Michigan, visit For more on Ohio FEP programs, visit
Bringing Addiction Treatment Into the Mainstream More than 27 million Americans reported using illicit drugs or misusing prescription drugs in 2015, and over 66 million said they binged on alcohol in the past month. But only a small fraction of this population will get specialized treatment. The surgeon general's report explores this gap in addiction treatment as well as opportunities to bring services for substance use disorders into mainstream health care.
Can Algorithms Change Mental Health Diagnosis? New York healthcare company Quartet has teamed data specialists with engineers to help doctors determine when an individual with a physical health problem also has a mental health condition. The groups are creating algorithms to more easily identify dual disorders. If a potential mental health issue is detected during the screening process, the person is referred to the company's network or to its online cognitive–behavioral therapy tools.
The Grim Correlation Between Mental Illness and Poverty Life below the poverty line may increase the chances of developing mental illness. But the flip side is also true: living with mental illness long term could make poverty a greater risk. The challenges for adults with mental health disorders become even harsher with economic strain, as the risk widens for higher healthcare costs, decreased productivity, and poor general health. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2.5 million adults who were living below the poverty line in 2015 also had a serious mental illness.
Helping Children Cope Before, During,
and After Court Proceedings For a child, a courtroom is a scary place. Recognizing and responding to trauma reactions as children give testimony can go a long way in diminishing the negative aspects of the experience and reducing the potential for re-traumatization. Children need constant support throughout the process from clinicians and caregivers, as well as the opportunity to ask questions. The tip sheets in this series were developed to help clinicians prepare children for the courtroom.
Premature Death Rates Higher for White and Native Americans A new study published by scientists at the National Cancer Institute shows opioid misuse and suicides are contributing to rising rates of premature death among Native and white Americans. Among other minorities, particularly black, Asian, and Hispanic populations, deaths are on the decline. The researchers credit advances in the treatment and detection of cancer, HIV, and heart disease.
Opioid Use Landing More in Hospitals Opioid-related hospital stay rates increased 64 percent from 2005 to 2014, according to a statistical brief published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). The highest rates of opioid-related inpatient stays were in Maryland, Massachusetts, and Washington, D.C., while Iowa, Nebraska, and Wyoming saw the lowest levels. AHRQ is investing in a series of grants to determine best practices for treating opioid misuse in rural primary care practices. The funding effort aims to overcome barriers to medication-assisted treatment, such as negative perceptions about people with substance use disorders, low expectations about the effectiveness of treatment, and lack of social support services in rural communities.
Informing Decisions About Opioid Use Disorder Treatment SAMHSA is launching a Web-based tool to help people with opioid use disorders learn about treatment options. This decision-support tool can also be used by health officials, policymakers, and other community members working to address opioid use disorders. In addition to information on the drugs used in medication-assisted treatment, there are various tools to assist people in recovery, including videos of recovery stories, downloadable worksheets, and strategies for setting personal goals and treatment preferences.
ONDCP Director Reflects on Recovery's Evolution When asked how perceptions of recovery have changed over the past few decades, Michael Botticelli, former director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), says recovery has truly become a "movement," with much more visibility and widespread recognition that people with addiction need treatment. "Today's young people who are in recovery are more transparent, open, and honest about who they are," he said in an interview with SAMHSA. "There has been a growing scientific acknowledgment of the role recovery plays, and now we see recovery coaches and recovery community organizations." Botticelli noted that recovery services have also come a long way, but that more effort is needed to involve people in recovery in high-level decision making. "It should not happen by accident that people in recovery are in policymaking roles at the federal, state, and local levels," he asserted. "They have an understanding that no one else can bring to the table."
Clinician Burnout Linked to Depression, Suicide The well-being of both early career and established healthcare professionals is at risk. Nurses and other clinicians report high levels of job dissatisfaction and pressure, with some showing signs and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. With clinician burnout comes more medical errors and patient complaints. In response to this growing problem, the National Academy of Medicine is launching a collaborative of multiple organizations to promote clinician well-being and resilience. More than 20 organizations have joined the effort to reverse trends in clinician stress and ultimately improve patient care and outcomes.
Veterans Use Marijuana Less Than Nonveterans Veterans are a little less likely to use marijuana than civilians, says a November 2016 study from the Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. Using combined 2002 to 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health data, the authors found about 6.3 percent of veterans had used marijuana in the past year, while 7.8 percent of non-veterans had used the drug over the same period. Data were analyzed from approximately 29,200 veterans and 470,900 non-veteran adults. The study also showed fewer veterans misused pain relievers. Three percent of civilians had taken pain pills for a nonmedical purpose within the past year; 2.4 percent of veterans had done the same.
Alzheimer's Patients Revisit the Past A San Diego nonprofit is going back in time to help people with Alzheimer's disease make stronger memory connections. The organization is building a village modeled after San Diego in the 1950s, replete with vintage cars, movies, music, payphones, and shops. According to the group's CEO, research shows this type of visual reminder, called reminiscence therapy, may reduce agitation and improve mood and sleep quality.
With Mental Health Awareness Comes Greater Demand for Services Counseling centers on college campuses are struggling to meet growing demand, and the rapid changes may be affecting the quality of services, especially when funding is low. The Center for Collegiate Mental Health annual report shows university counseling centers are providing 28 percent more "rapid access" service hours per student and 7.6 percent fewer routine service hours per student. As more resources go into first-time and emergency appointments, routine treatments are likely suffering. The findings show that anxiety and depression continue to be the most prevalent concerns for college students.
Behavioral Health Care to Expand in Eight States Eight states will participate in a 2-year certified community behavioral health clinic (CCBHC) program to improve local behavioral health services. The CCBHC program is led by SAMHSA along with its U.S. Department of Health and Human Services partners, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Certified clinics in Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Pennsylvania will receive Medicaid payments to provide an expanded array of addiction and mental health services. All CCBHCs must provide crisis services; screening, assessment, and diagnosis; patient-centered treatment planning; and outpatient mental health and substance use services. The demonstration projects will begin this July.
Shared Symptoms Complicate Diagnosis Distinguishing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI)—or concussion—is a diagnostic challenge, as the two conditions have similar symptoms. Irritability, restlessness, memory loss, fatigue, and dizziness can occur in both disorders. But a study by the VA that measured brain electrical activity in 147 military personnel who had been exposed to blasts in Iraq and Afghanistan showed distinct patterns of mTBI and PTSD in separate parts of the brain. Electrical activity appears to be affected long after combat-related mTBI, which could mean lasting effects on the way brain cells communicate with each other. Knowing when an individual is suffering from PTSD and when it's mTBI could greatly improve treatment.
A Child's Perspective on Entering Foster Care ReMoved is an award-winning short film that depicts the experience of a young girl leaving home to enter the foster care system. Her story offers new foster parents insight into the process from the child's view and can be used with the Resource Parent Curriculum.
Between Men and Women, Drug and Alcohol Misuse Differs This grant intends to advance research on sex differences in drug and alcohol misuse and addiction—particularly factors specific to women. Existing literature suggests there are major differences between the sexes in many aspects of drug misuse. Identifying and understanding these differences could mean more effectively tailored prevention and treatment interventions and better outcomes for both men and women. Grant applications for the R01 and R03 funding opportunities close May 7, 2017.
Optimizing the HIV Care Continuum The National Institutes of Health is seeking research on the spectrum of the HIV care continuum, including testing status, linkage and retention in care, and viral suppression for substance-abusing populations at high risk for or living with HIV. Applications must go beyond patient-level outcomes, addressing provider practices, system or organizational capacities, policies and protocols, and structural issues including policies that affect access to substance use and HIV care. Please apply by May 9, 2017.
Aging Research Dissertation Awards These awards support the National Institute on Aging's mission to advance research on older adults, including the study of chronic, disabling, and degenerative diseases. They have a specific focus on Alzheimer's disease, comorbidities, behavioral and social changes, caregiving, longevity, and the consequences of an aging population for society. The funding also serves to expand the recruitment, training, and retention of scientists from underrepresented groups. Applications are due Jan. 7, 2020.
Decision-Making in Aging and Alzheimer's Disease Research projects will be funded that characterize the affective, cognitive, social, and motivational aspects of decision-making among aging individuals and those diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. The closing date for applications is Jan. 7, 2020.
What Shapes the Health of Minority Men The National Institutes of Health is calling for proposals to stimulate and expand research on the health of ethnic and racial minority men. Applicants should consider how such projects will shed light on the sociodemographic, community, societal, and personal factors that affect men's health and seek to develop and test interventions to reduce health disparities among minority males. Applications are due by Jan. 7, 2020.
Exploring Health Disparities Among Children Research supported by this grant will seek to reduce health disparities among minority and underserved children, focusing especially on early childhood development. Specific targeted areas of research include bio-behavioral studies that address a range of influences on child health disparities, including biological, lifestyle, environmental, social, economic, institutional, and cultural and family factors. Applications for the R01 and R21 grants are due May 7, 2020.
Public Policy Effects on Substance-Related Behaviors and Outcomes This grant will support research that examines the effects of public policies on health-related behaviors and outcomes associated with alcohol, marijuana, and other substances. The initiative intends to inform policy decisions and ultimately lead to improvements in public health and welfare. The closing date for applications is May 7, 2020.
Fellowship Application Deadlines and Announcements From the Grantees American Nurses Association (ANA) Austin Nation was recently featured by ANA for the Alumni Spotlight. In an interview with the association, Dr. Nation talked about working with HIV patients at the beginning of the AIDS epidemic. He also described his efforts to reduce stigma around HIV and his one-of-a-kind experience with the MFP program. See the June 2016 issue of MFP Enews for a glimpse of Dr. Nation's research.
American Psychological Association (APA) Meet 12 of the APA Fellows who are working to protect human rights and restore peace across the globe. They work with special populations to prevent all human rights violations, including human trafficking, child labor, and political violence. | | Notable Quote "I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." —Michael Jordan |
National Council for Behavioral Health Gives a Voice to Providers and Patients by Alison Lake Benadada
With increasing uncertainties about healthcare coverage, advocacy organizations like the National Council for Behavioral Health (NCBH) are more essential than ever for millions of Americans with mental illness or substance misuse issues.
The Case for Reform SAMHSA estimated that more than 18 percent of American adults had some form of mental illness in 2014, and more than 8 percent had a substance use disorder. Behavioral health disorders have been the leading cause of disability in the United States and Canada.1
The good news is that the vast majority of individuals with mental illness who receive appropriate treatment will improve.2 With this in mind, expanded integration of primary care and behavioral health services can help more people more effectively while breaking the cycle that drives up costs.3
NCBH leaders know fighting for full access to behavioral health coverage and quality mental health treatment is the right thing for everyone. The organization is a big advocate of integrated care, where healthcare systems and providers work together to treat both behavioral health disorders and chronic medical conditions.
"Every American should have equal access to mental health and addictions care," says Linda Rosenberg, NCBH president and chief executive.
When healthcare systems integrate mental health and substance use disorder services with mainstream care, while using evidence-based practices, they are closing the gap between those who need care and those who receive it.
Take the experience of Cheryl Sharp, for example. Sharp, a consultant for trauma-informed care initiatives at NCBH, struggled with mental illness as a youth and adult, attempting suicide nine times. She finally got the help she needed, and she believes federal support for certified community behavioral health clinics (CCBHCs) is crucial for people in a similar situation. The CCBHC program is led by SAMHSA and its U.S. Department of Health and Human Services partners, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. CCBHCs provide a wide array of mental health and substance use disorder services, particularly to individuals with the most serious, complex mental illnesses and addictions.
"If I were seeking treatment today," says Sharp, "I would be looking for a central place where I could receive peer support services in addition to other options. Had there been CCBHCs years ago, they could have saved me from decades of distress and helped me find those connections. I believe they will now be able to help so many other Americans find theirs too."
On a Mission to Serve Formed in 1970, NCBH calls itself the "unifying voice of America's community mental health and addictions treatment organizations." The Council is the oldest and largest community behavioral healthcare advocacy group in the country. As an active supporter of CCBHCs and other local efforts, NCBH serves 2,800 member organizations that deliver integrated care to more than 10 million adults and children. These services are helping people of all ages recover and fully participate in community life.
With its deep understanding of the behavioral health field, politics, and business, NCBH promotes public policies that support a wide addiction and mental health safety net. This includes support for Medicaid, federal funding of community behavioral health organizations, and behavioral health providers and programs.
NCBH is a staunch advocate on Capitol Hill for Americans who suffer from mental illness and substance use problems. The organization is also a full-service education, training, and consulting entity, providing publications, training conferences, resources, and research.
Empowering Americans to Aid and Assist Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is just one of the many ways NCBH has improved mental health and substance use care in America. For most people, the phrase "first aid" conjures up images of gauze and antiseptic. But the first aid NCBH promotes seeks to help and heal individuals in the midst of mental health crises.
The Council operates an 8-hour course4 that teaches people to "identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders." Some 700,000 Americans have taken an MHFA course.
Just as CPR training allows someone with no clinical background to assist a person who has had a heart attack or stroke, MHFA training helps people assist an individual experiencing a mental health crisis. Mental Health First Aiders are taught to assess risk, support the person in crisis, and identity the right professionals to step in. They also learn about risk factors and warning signs for mental health and substance use problems and study evidence-supported treatment and self-help strategies.
The approach has proven effective. Peer-reviewed studies around the world show Mental Health First Aid saves lives and expands knowledge of mental illness and treatments, while reducing associated stigmas.5 The hope is that MHFA will become as common and widespread as CPR and first aid training in the United States.
"The National Council is proud to have introduced Mental Health First Aid to an American public hungry to learn how to recognize the signs of mental illness, to be able to respond in an emergency, and to know where you can get help," Rosenberg says.
Looking Ahead NCBH has worked for decades to fill gaps in mental health and substance use care. Through its training, education, and support, the organization spreads the message that mental health is equally as important as physical health.
Cheryl Sharp agrees. "I should be able to access mental health services in much the same way I access services for any physical condition," she says. "And I should be able to do so without fear of discrimination—without fear of lesser services than what I was being provided for physical ailments."
For more information, visit
1World Health Organization. (2008). The global burden of disease: 2004 update, table A2: Burden of disease in DALYs by cause, sex, and income group in WHO regions, estimates for 2004. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO.
2U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2000). The invisible disease: depression. In Ohio Department of Mental Health. Mental Health: The Business Case.
3NCBH: Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment |
Spread the Enews If you know a Fellow or former Fellow who isn't getting the newsletter, please send that person's contact information to [email protected]. |
Providing Culturally Competent Treatment to Immigrant and Refugee Populations by Lotes Nelson, Ph.D., LPC, ACS, NCC
 | Lotes Nelson | The United States has historically been a major hub for people who have left their countries for one or many reasons. Some are pursuing economic stability; others long for peace and relief from war, persecution, natural disaster, and other crises. Regardless of the rationale, individuals who have immigrated to the United States experience a significant and often stressful transition.1
Many immigrants and refugees report feelings of loneliness and isolation—symptoms of depression that can be attributed to having a limited support system in their new environment. People who have not fully learned the language also find it difficult to connect with other individuals in the mainstream, and may become overly aware of their inability to speak English fluently. Within the mental health field, researchers have noted that immigrants experience anxiety as they navigate through their new surroundings.2 Refugees exhibit symptoms of trauma, such as difficulty concentrating, shame, self-blame, sadness, and hypervigilance.
Migrants commonly feel fear in daily life. This trepidation might stem from their legal status, from societal expectations, or from the constant burden of having to meet basic needs. The uncertainty of their situation in an entirely new setting may bring with it a strong sense of ambiguity. Fear, anxiety, insecurity, and isolation—these feelings must be recognized and addressed when working with immigrant populations.
Understanding Immigrants' Experiences Mental health professionals have an obligation to personalize the treatment approach for immigrant and refugee clients. To do this, they must consider each individual's struggle, avoiding assumptions that all migrants experience the same symptoms as they attempt to reconcile and adapt to the cultural and social contrasts of their new country.
Multicultural competence is fundamental, as varying ethnic influences will differentiate one person's expression of grief, fear, frustration, etc., from another's. To understand how the individual has been affected by displacement, it is also important to be aware of what is happening in his or her home country. Knowledge of the migrant's cultural barriers and the ability to leverage cultural practices to overcome challenges are essential tools. This process begins with simple questions about the client's needs and willingness to help the person articulate his or her thoughts and feelings.
Mental healthcare providers can help immigrant and refugee populations distinguish the symptoms of a mental health condition from those of a physical illness.3 They can provide education to alleviate the unease, pain, and confusion these individuals are experiencing, as well as the feelings of promise, hope, and happiness. And they can connect their clients to helpful resources within the community and beyond, to begin building a supportive network.
A former Fellow of the National Board for Certified Counselors, Dr. Nelson is an NCC counselor educator and clinical supervisor.
1de Santana, C. A., & Lotufo Neto, F. (2015). Developing a mental health programme for refugees based on participatory Action Research: An experience from São Paulo, Brazil. International Journal of Action Research, 11(3), 265–288. doi:10.1688/DAR–2015–03–Santana
2Akeuchi, D. T., Zane, N., Hong, S., Chae, D. H., Gong, F., Gee, G. C., & Alegría, M. (2007). Immigration-related factors and mental disorders among Asian Americans. American Journal of Public Health, 97(1), 84–90. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2006.088401
3Kirmayer, L. J., Narasiah, L., Munoz, M., Rashid, M., Ryder, A. G., Guzder, J., & Pottie, K. (2011). Common mental health problems in immigrants and refugees: General approach in primary care. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 183(12), E959–E967. doi:10.1503/cmaj.090292
Calls for Papers (by submission date)
The Department of Social Work at the University of Memphis invites students at the BSW or B.A. in social work and MSW levels to submit abstracts for its Fifth Social Work Symposium. Submissions are due by March 31, 2017.
Calls for Publications Families, Systems and Health is reviewing papers on global mental health that focus on populations living in low- and middle-income countries. Potential topics include primary care mental health initiatives, interventions, and innovation in low- and middle-income countries; stigma and human rights; cultural sensitivity; victims or survivors of torture and their families; and child and adolescent mental health in primary care. Please send articles by May 1, 2017.
A special issue of Psychotherapy will feature contributions on the clinical and research aspects of cultural processes in psychotherapy. Editors are most interested in papers with clear and accessible implications for therapists in applied clinical practice. Please submit articles by May 15, 2017.
Improving timely access to mental health care is the theme of an upcoming issue of Psychological Services. The editors welcome meta-analytic papers, empirical papers, and brief reports on pilot programs with evaluation data. Articles are due June 15, 2017.
American Psychologist will publish a special issue titled "Racial Trauma and Healing: Theory, Research, and Public Policy." The journal seeks manuscripts examining the impact of racial and ethnic trauma on people of color. Papers should cover theory, empirical research, clinical counseling implication, and policy issues and are due by June 20, 2017.
The editorial team of Psychological Bulletin is calling for meta-analyses and systematic reviews to answer questions on replication and reproducibility of psychological findings. Papers are welcome by June 30, 2017.
When young people lose a loved one, they may feel a sense of guilt or exhibit behavioral problems, social withdrawal, or fear of abandonment. This special issue of School Psychology Quarterly is devoted to studies on the nature and correlates associated with grief and loss, as well as novel methods and programs for working with children and school personnel. Send articles no later than July 1, 2017.
This issue of Psychology of Addictive Behaviors will address effective treatments for addiction. Review articles and meta-analyses should explore the background and efficacy of interventions such as motivational enhancement therapy, cognitive–behavioral therapy, contingency management, pharmacotherapies, 12-step programs, mindfulness-based therapies, and family therapies, especially among specific populations. Submissions must be received by Sept. 20, 2017.
A special issue of The Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research will be dedicated to effective prevention of behavioral health problems in children and youth. Papers should examine all aspects of interventions that promote healthy youth development and prevent common behavioral problems in young people. The submission deadline is Oct. 1, 2017.
Coming Up March 20–24, 2017 Aging in America American Society on Aging Chicago, Ill.
March 29–April 1, 2017 Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions Society of Behavioral Medicine San Diego, Calif.
March 30, 2017 Intersectionality of Poverty, Race, and Gender NC State University of Social Work Raleigh, N.C.
April 3–5, 2017 NATCON 2017 National Council for Behavioral Health Seattle, Wash.
April 6–9, 2017 Anxiety and Depression Conference Anxiety and Depression Association of America San Francisco, Calif.
April 29, 2017 Group Therapy Revisited: 21st Century Groups in Inpatient, Outpatient, and Integrated Settings Widener University Chester, Pa.
May 3–6, 2017 National Conference on Health Disparities Multiple Sponsors New Orleans, La.
May 4–7, 2017 Bipolar Disorders: Advances in Understanding Around the Globe International Society for Bipolar Disorders Washington, D.C.
May 20–24, 2017 ApA Annual Meeting American Psychiatric Association San Diego, Calif.
June 15–17, 2017 Mid-Career Minority Faculty Seminar AAMC Learning Center Washington, D.C.
June 19–20, 2017 Innovations in Behavioral Healthcare Foundations Recovery Network Nashville, Tenn.
June 25–27, 2017 Annual Research Meeting AcademyHealth New Orleans, La.
July 9–15, 2017 Psychology Summer Institute American Psychological Association Washington, D.C.
July 19–23, 2017 ABPsi 49th Annual Conference Association of Black Psychologists Houston, Texas
July 23–27, 2017 World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics International Association of Gerontological Societies San Francisco, Calif.
July 30–August 2, 2017 Excellence in Team-Based Care for the Underserved Association of Clinicians for the Underserved Washington, D.C.
August 16–20, 2017 National Conference on Addiction Disorders Institute for the Advancement of Behavioral Healthcare Baltimore, Md.
August 18–21, 2017 Alternatives Conference 2017 National Empowerment Center Boston, Mass.
September 6–8, 2017 Forty-Third Annual Conference National Association for Rural Mental Health San Diego, California
October 18–21, 2017 Thirty-First Annual Conference American Psychiatric Nurses Association Phoenix, Ariz.
October 19–22, 2017 IPS: The Mental Health Services Conference American Psychiatric Association New Orleans, La.
November 4–8, 2017 APHA Annual Meeting and Expo American Public Health Association Atlanta, Ga.
Let's Hear From You Do you have an idea for an article, or would you like to contribute one? Please send your comments and story ideas to [email protected].
Minority Fellowship Enews is a product of the Minority Fellowship Program Coordinating Center (SAMHSA contract no. HHSS 2832–0120–0037i) and serves the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, its MFP Grantees, and the MFP Grantees' Fellows and Alumni.
The views, opinions, and content of this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies of SAMHSA or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. | |