
  • Interview With MFP Alum Dr. Kermit Crawford P2
    Treating Trauma Globally P4
    News and Views P4
    Circling Recovery P5
    Olympians Speak Out for Youth Mental Health P6
    News From the Fellows P6
    Grant Announcements P6
    Professional Development Opportunities P7



"The workings of the human heart are the profoundest mystery of the universe. One moment they make us despair of our kind, and the next we see in them the reflection of the divine image."
—Charles W. Chesnutt

Do you have an idea for an article, or would you like to contribute one? Please send your comments and story ideas to [email protected]

Minority Fellowship Enews is a product of the Minority Fellowship Program Coordinating Center (SAMHSA contract no. HHSS 2832–0120–0037i) and serves the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, its MFP Grantees, and the MFP Grantees' Fellows and Alumni.

The views, opinions, and content of this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies of SAMHSA or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Gift of Mentorship Former APA Minority Fellow Discusses the Gift of Mentorship
by Michael Hopps

In this era of conference calls and Webinars and Skype, you can work with a lot of people—some of them many times—without ever meeting them in person. The downside is that you don't see their body language, and despite many conversations, you rarely sense you are getting a good measure of the human being. Dr. Crawford is the exception. Within the first minute of conversing with him, he has you laughing and fully at ease. When you ask him to begin talking about himself, he speaks with honesty, gentleness, humility, and wit. This is a man who runs two major centers, travels extensively, and has published and presented exhaustively. He has been doing all this for decades and somehow seems to have an encyclopedic recall of the names of all the folks he's met on the road to where he's arrived. Read More

Treating Trauma on a Global Scale Treating Trauma on a Global Scale
by Florence Saint–Jean, Ph.D., NCC, ACS

Dr. Saint–Jean, founder of Global Trauma Research, writes about the important role of culture in mental health services. "With the right kind of intervention," she says, "I saw families tangibly benefit from counseling—a service my household was not able to receive." Read More

Circling Recovery Circling Recovery
by Carrie Nathans

For young people battling drug addiction, completing a treatment program is one of many challenges on the road to recovery. Where they go for that treatment and how long they stay can significantly affect their formative years. Read More

Olympic Gold Medalists Advocate for Youth Mental Health
by Joanne DiGiorgio

Olympic champions Michael Phelps and Allison Schmitt spoke about their struggles with mental wellness and encouraged an open conversation about depression and other behavioral health disorders at SAMHSA's National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day. The close friends are working with SAMHSA to heighten awareness about youth mental health. Read More