SAMHSA Prescription Drug Abuse Weekly Update
Issue 145  |  October 22, 2015
The Prevention of Prescription Drug Abuse in the Workplace (PAW) TA Center addresses prescription drug abuse—a growing public health problem with increasing burdens on workers, workplaces, and our economy. To subscribe colleagues, family members, or friends to this listserv sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), please click here or send their e-mail addresses to [email protected].
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One in Five Small Businesses Would Allow Employees to Use Medical Marijuana While at Work, Study Finds
Business Wire
October 14, 2015

In a poll by EMPLOYERS®, a small business insurance specialist, 19 percent of small business owners said they would allow an employee who has a doctor's prescription for medical marijuana to use it while at work. Sixty-two percent said they would not, and the remainder was uncertain. The survey found 42 percent of small businesses do not have a written policy prohibiting employees from possessing, using, or being under the influence of marijuana at work, and 74 percent do not require their employees to take drug tests. Eighty-one percent of owners polled said they were unconcerned (20 percent were not too concerned; 61 percent were not at all concerned) about employees coming to work under the influence of marijuana, now that it is becoming legal in more states. Nearly 1 in 10 small business owners said employees have shown up for work under the influence of a controlled substance, including marijuana, alcohol, or narcotic pain relievers. EMPLOYERS facilitated a telephone survey of small business decision makers through the SSRS Small Business Omnibus Survey. Interviews were completed with a nationally representative sample of 501 small businesses with fewer than 100 employees. To reflect the proportion of small businesses in the United States, data were weighted by the number of employees, region, and industry. Fieldwork was conducted from May 14 and 29, 2015.

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College Students Say It Is Easy to Obtain Stimulants Without a Prescription and Believe They Are 'Smart Drugs'
K. Farkas, Northeast Ohio Media Group
October 16, 2015

A 2015 survey of 27,495 undergraduate and graduate students at Ohio State University, five other unnamed public colleges, and two unnamed private colleges in five states drew 3,918 responses—a 14.2 percent response rate. Among undergraduate respondents, 24.8 percent had used prescription drugs nonmedically, including 10.2 percent who misused pain medications, 8.9 percent who misused sedatives, and 18.6 percent who misused stimulants. Among graduate student respondents, 17.4 percent had used prescription drugs nonmedically (Editor's note: The report contains a typo on this number), with 6.1 percent misusing pain medications, 6.8 percent misusing sedatives, and 11.8 percent misusing stimulants. One third of students at each level said it was easy to get pain relievers. Undergraduates found it easier than graduate students to get stimulants and sedatives, with 71 percent saying stimulants were readily available. Overwhelmingly, stimulants came from friends and peers, with 34 percent of undergraduate pain reliever users, 43 percent of sedative users, and 52 percent of stimulant users sometimes paying their friends or peers for the drugs, and a few stealing them from friends. Importantly, at least one third of undergraduates got their drugs from a friend, peer, or relative, and paid that person for the drugs, but did not consider their supplier a drug dealer. (Editor's note: This raises concerns because the National Survey on Drug Use and Health question that finds youth get prescription drugs from friends, not drug dealers, is commonly interpreted to mean the drugs were provided for free.) More than 40 percent of misusers of each class of prescription drugs had mixed them with alcohol, with a quarter mixing them regularly. The survey also probed reasons for using, positive and negative consequences of use, and use of illicit drugs as substitutes. The full study is appended to this article.

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Journal Articles and Reports

C.D. Donaldson, J.T. Siegel, and W.D. Crano. 2015. "Nonmedical Use of Prescription Stimulants in College Students: Attitudes, Intentions, and Vested Interest." Addictive Behaviors, doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2015.10.007.

A poorly designed survey of 162 college students recruited online through Amazon's MTurk system included 129 students under age 30. The survey asked students whether it would be in their best self-interest to use prescription stimulants to achieve each of 22 school performance objectives. The questions were not neutrally phrased. As a result, at least 95 percent said yes to 12 of the questions, at least 90 percent said yes to 21, and 81 percent said yes to the remaining question. The authors turned the responses into a score representing expectations that prescription stimulant use would improve school performance. Higher scores were associated with greater intent to take stimulants.

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J.A. Ford and D. Perna. 2015. "Prescription Drug Misuse and Suicidal Ideation: Findings from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health." Drug and Alcohol Dependence, doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.10.010.

In a strictly correlational multivariate regression on National Survey on Drug Use and Health data from unspecified years, adults who misused prescription pain relievers in the past year were more likely than other adults to report they had seriously thought about killing themselves during that time period. This study does not suggest misuse increases suicidality; like a range of other problem behaviors, suicide acts are more common among prescription drug misusers than among the general population.

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M.T. Hall, S. Golder, G.E. Higgins, and T.K. Logan. 2015. "Nonmedical Prescription Opioid Use Among Victimized Women on Probation and Parole." Addictive Behaviors, doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2015.10.008.

Researchers conducted in-person interviews with a convenience sample of 406 heterosexual women in the Louisville, Ky., area who were on probation or parole and had been victimized. One hundred and sixty-nine (42 percent) reported lifetime nonmedical prescription opioid use, and 20 percent reported use in the past year. Multivariate regression showed nonmedical users were more likely than other respondents to be white, be in physical pain, have poor general health, have psychological distress across nine symptom domains, and suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.

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B. Han, W.M. Compton, C.M. Jones, and R. Cai. 2015. "Nonmedical Prescription Opioid Use and Use Disorders Among Adults Aged 18 Through 64 Years in the United States, 2003–2013." JAMA 314(14):1468–78, doi:10.1001/jama.2015.11859.

According to 2003–13 National Survey on Drug Use and Health and vital statistics mortality data on adults ages 18 through 64, self-reported nonmedical use of prescription opioids averaged 5.4 percent, with a standard deviation of 0.3 percent and little or no evidence of a time trend. Mean number of days of nonmedical use of prescription opioids increased from 2.1 in 2003 to 2.6 in 2013. The 12-month prevalence of high-frequency use (≥ 200 days) increased from 0.3 percent in 2003 to 0.4 percent in 2013. Prevalence of prescription opioid use disorders among nonmedical users increased from 12.7 percent in 2003 to 16.9 percent in 2013. The overdose death rate involving prescription opioids increased from 4.5 per 100,000 in 2003 to 7.8 per 100,000 in 2013.

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J.D. Jones, M.A. Sullivan, J.M. Manubay, S. Mogali, V.E. Metz, R. Ciccocioppo, and S.D. Comer. 2015. "The Effects of Pioglitazone, a PPARγ Receptor Agonist, on the Abuse Liability of Oxycodone Among Nondependent Opioid Users." Physiology and Behavior, doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2015.10.006.

Tests on 17 nondependent prescription opioid abusers found pioglitazone does not reduce the addictive response to opiates. The drug previously had shown some efficacy in attenuating addictive-like responses to opioids in laboratory animals.

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A. Kandasamy, D. Aneelraj, P. Jadhav, P. Sunder, P.K. Chand, P. Murthy, and V. Benegal. 2015. "Pattern and Profile of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) in Physicians." Indian Journal of Medical Research 142(3):344–45.

From July 2007 to June 2012 in India, 58 physicians were admitted for substance abuse treatment. The doctors started using substances at a later age (26 years) and became dependent later than other treatment-seeking substance abusers.

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H.K. Knudsen, M.R. Lofwall, J.R. Havens, and S.L. Walsh. 2015. "States' Implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the Supply of Physicians Waivered to Prescribe Buprenorphine for Opioid Dependence." Drug and Alcohol Dependence, doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.09.032.

Analysis of the number of physicians licensed to prescribe buprenorphine from June 2013 to May 2015 showed substantial growth over time. Relative to Affordable Care Act–supportive states, growth in licensed prescribers was significantly lower in Affordable Care Act–hybrid states (where states only did one of expanded Medicaid or established a state-based exchange but did not take both actions) or Affordable Care Act–resistant states (where states took neither action). Physicians licensed to prescribe buprenorphine per 100,000 state residents varied by region, with more prescribers available in states with a larger percentage of residents covered by Medicaid and a larger supply of specialty substance use disorder treatment programs.

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E.S. Koster, L. de Haan, M.L. Bouvy, and E.R. Heerdink. 2015. "Nonmedical Use of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Medication Among Secondary School Students in the Netherlands." Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, doi:10.1089/cap.2015.0099.

Adolescent students 10–19 years old from six secondary schools in the Netherlands were invited to complete an online survey in 2014, with 777 (15 percent) responding. Only 56.5 percent of students who opened the survey responded. Of those, 1.2 percent reported use of nonmedical attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medication, and 5.1 percent reported medical use. The low response rate makes it hard to trust these reports, which are the first assessment of ADHD medication misuse rates by European students.

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S.S. Martins, L. Sampson, M. Cerdá, and S. Galea. 2015. "Worldwide Prevalence and Trends in Unintentional Drug Overdose: A Systematic Review of the Literature." American Journal of Public Health 105(11):e29–e49, doi:10.2105/AJPH.2015.302843.

A systematic review of articles from 1980 to July 2013 found wide variability in lifetime prevalence of nonfatal drug overdose or witnessing an overdose and in mortality rates attributable to overdose. Cocaine, prescription opioids, and heroin are the drugs most commonly associated with unintentional drug overdoses worldwide. Across 17 studies, lifetime prevalence of witnessed overdose among drug users ranged from 50 percent to 96 percent, with a mean of 73 percent. Across 27 studies, lifetime prevalence of personally experiencing a nonfatal overdose ranged from 17 percent to 68 percent, with a mean of 45 percent. Across 28 studies, population-based crude overdose mortality rates ranged from 0.04 to 47 per 100,000 person-years. Most longitudinal studies showed increasing rates of overdose death and hospitalization. The rise in deaths stemmed largely from prescription opioid use.

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A. McAuley, L. Aucott, and C. Matheson. 2015. "Exploring the Life-Saving Potential of Naloxone: A Systematic Review and Descriptive Meta-Analysis of Take Home Naloxone (THN) Programmes for Opioid Users." The International Journal of Drug Policy, doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2015.09.011.

A systematic review of take-home naloxone literature identified 25 evaluations, including 9 with usage rates. On average, 9.2 percent of naloxone recipients use the drug in a 3-month period, with a range of 5.2 to 13.1 percent.

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L.J. Paulozzi, G.K. Strickler, P.W. Kreiner, and C.M. Koris. 2015. "Controlled Substance Prescribing Patterns—Prescription Behavior Surveillance System, Eight States, 2013: Surveillance Summaries." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 64(SS09):1–14.

Analysis of prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) data from eight states with mandatory reporting (California, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Maine, Ohio, and West Virginia) showed opioid analgesics were consistently prescribed about twice as often as stimulants or benzodiazepines. Prescribing rates by drug class varied widely by state: twofold for opioids, fourfold for stimulants, almost twofold for benzodiazepines, and eightfold for carisoprodol, a muscle relaxant. Rates for opioids and benzodiazepines were substantially higher for females than for males in all states. In most states, opioid prescribing rates peaked at ages 45–54 or 55–64. Benzodiazepine prescribing rates increased with age. Louisiana ranked first in opioid prescribing, and Delaware and Maine had the highest prescription rates for long-acting or extended-release opioids. Delaware and Maine ranked highest in both mean daily opioid dosage and in the percentage of opioid prescriptions written for > 100 morphine milligram equivalents per day. The top 1 percent of prescribers wrote one in four opioid prescriptions in Delaware, compared with one in eight in Maine. For the five states whose PDMPs collected the method of payment, the percentage of controlled substance prescriptions paid for in cash varied almost threefold, and the percentage paid by Medicaid varied sixfold. In West Virginia, for 20 percent of the days of treatment with an opioid, the patient was also taking a benzodiazepine. The percentage of users with prescriptions from multiple providers was highest in Ohio and lowest in Louisiana.

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M. Pierce, S.M. Bird, M. Hickman, J. Marsden, G. Dunn, A. Jones, and T. Millar. 2015. "Impact of Treatment for Opioid Dependence on Fatal Drug-Related Poisoning: A National Cohort Study in England." Addiction, doi:10.1111/add.13193.

Linking English National Drug Treatment Monitoring System and mortality data for the 151,983 adults treated for opioid dependence between April 2005 and March 2009 showed 1,499 drug overdose deaths occurred during 442,950 person-years of observation. Mortality risk was higher during periods when patients were no longer in treatment (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] 1.7), and overdose risk was 2.1 times as high for patients enrolled only in a psychological intervention than for patients on medication-assisted therapy (generally methadone). The increased risk when out of treatment was greater for men (HR 1.9), illicit drug injectors (HR 2.3), and patients reporting problematic alcohol use (HR 2.4).

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R. Ries, A. Krupski, I.I. West, C. Maynard, K. Bumgardner, D. Donovan, C. Dunn, and P. Roy–Byrne. 2015. "Correlates of Opioid Use in Adults with Self-Reported Drug Use Recruited from Public Safety-Net Primary Care Clinics." Journal of Addiction Medicine 9(5):417–26, doi:10.1097/ADM.0000000000000151.

Of 868 adult illicit drug users treated at safety-net primary care clinics in an unnamed U.S. city, 46 percent were opioid users. Opioid users were less physically and psychiatrically healthy than other drug users and more often used emergency departments, inpatient hospitals, and outpatient medical care. After adjusting for age, they were 2.6 times more likely to die in the 1 to 5 years after study enrollment and were more likely to die from overdose than nonopioid users.

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B. Saloner and S. Karthikeyan. 2015. "Changes in Substance Abuse Treatment Use Among Individuals with Opioid Use Disorders in the United States, 2004–2013." JAMA 314(14):1515–17, doi:10.1001/jama.2015.10345.

Analysis of 2004–13 National Survey on Drug Use and Health data found the regression-adjusted percentage of respondents with DSM–4 opioid use disorders who received treatment rose insignificantly from 19 percent in 2004–08 to 20 percent in 2009–13.

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Professional Education and Policy Debate

S. Mazumdar, I.S. Mcrae, and M. Mofizul Islam. 2015. "How Can Geographical Information Systems and Spatial Analysis Inform a Response to Prescription Opioid Misuse? A Discussion in the Context of Existing Literature." Current Drug Abuse Reviews 8(2):104–10(7).

Researchers discussed used of spatial analysis to study the landscape of prescription opioids and target appropriate health services interventions. They drew examples from various jurisdictions and highlighted how a geospatial perspective on demand, supply, harms, and harm reduction can further research on misuse.

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M.W. Stover and J.M. Davis. 2015. "Opioids in Pregnancy and Neonatal Syndrome." Seminar in Perinatology, doi:10.1053/j.semperi.2015.08.013.

This article reviews current practices for managing opiate use disorder in pregnancy and caring for neonates prenatally exposed to opiates. Since genetic factors appear to be associated with the incidence and severity of neonatal abstinence syndrome, it suggests exploring opportunities for "personalized genomic medicine" and unique therapeutic interventions.

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Research Reports: The Relationship Between Prescription Drug Abuse and Heroin Use
National Institute on Drug Abuse
October 2015

The increase in heroin-related overdoses may be an unintended consequence of reducing prescription opioid availability. The increase in heroin use, however, predated prescription drug policy changes. Prescription opioids and heroin have similar effects but different risk factors. Prescription opioid use is a risk factor for heroin use, but heroin use is rare among prescription drug users. Heroin use is driven by low cost and high availability.

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D.E.A. Effort to Curb Painkiller Abuse Falls Short at Pharmacies
Alan Schwartz, The New York Times
October 10, 2015

Last year, the Drug Enforcement Administration announced pharmacies could accept and destroy customers' unwanted prescription drugs. One year later, the response has been insignificant. Only about 1 percent of pharmacies have set up disposal programs. None belong to CVS and Walgreens. Some states, like New York, have laws that forbid pharmacies to take back controlled substances. In other states, prescriptions for noncontrolled substances are collected from long-term care facilities and redistributed to those in need.

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AAOS Board of Directors Approves Information Statement to Combat Growing Opioid Epidemic
October 12, 2015

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons' Board of Directors called for a comprehensive effort to increase and improve physician, caregiver, and patient education; tracking of opioid prescription use; research funding for alternative pain management; and support for more effective opioid use disorder treatment programs. Orthopedic surgeons are the third highest prescribers of opioids behind doctors and dentists.

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Esty and Colleagues Back Bills to Combat Heroin and Prescription Drug Abuse
Rob Ryster, The News-Time
October 14, 2015

Connecticut Representative Esty and three colleagues introduced the Opioid Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act and Expanding Opportunities for Recovery Act to prevent prescription drug abuse and remove barriers to drug abuse treatment. The first act would require sharing information about improper prescribing and encourage states to implement drug take-back programs. It would also provide doctors with help in identifying drug abuse among patients. The second act would give 60-day treatment grants to drug users who do not have health insurance or who have limited health insurance.

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S. Lake, T. Kerr, and J. Montaner. 2015. "Prescribing Medical Cannabis in Canada: Are We Being Too Cautious?" Canadian Journal of Public Health 106(5).

This commentary urges medical cannabis prescribing in Canada. The authors believe the anti-cannabis position taken by the Canadian Medical Association and other commentators is not entirely evidence based. Using the example of neuropathic pain, researchers present and summarize the clinical evidence surrounding smoked or vaporized cannabis, including recent evidence pertaining to the effectiveness of cannabis in comparison with standard pharmacotherapies for neuropathy. They think the concerns about cannabis's mechanism of action are inconsistent with current decision-making processes for the prescribing of many common pharmaceuticals. Finally, the authors posit potential secondary public health benefits of prescribing cannabis for pain-related disorders in Canada and North America.

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B. Moosmann, N. Roth, and V. Auwärter. 2015. "Finding Cannabinoids in Hair Does Not Prove Cannabis Consumption." Scientific Reports 5:14906, doi:10.1038/srep14906.

THC and related substances can be present in the hair of nonconsuming individuals due to transfer from cannabis users' hands or sweat, as well as from side-stream smoke. This is of concern for child-custody cases, as cannabinoid traces in a child's hair may be caused by close contact with cannabis consumers rather than by inhalation of side-stream smoke.

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Colorado's Monthly Marijuana Sales Top $100 Million
Dylan Stableford, Yahoo News
October 12, 2015

Monthly marijuana sales surpassed $100 million for the first time in August, according to Colorado's Department of Revenue. Recreational pot sales were $59.2 million for the month, while medical marijuana dispensaries earned $41.4 million—the highest monthly medical total since legal recreational cannabis sales began.

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Battle Is on for Control of Michigan's Marijuana Market
Detroit Free Press
October 10, 2015

This editorial discusses state lawmakers' efforts to address some of the most egregious defects in Michigan's Medical Marijuana Act. The House of Representatives approved a package of bills that would establish a regulatory scheme for licensing growers, processors, retailers, and those who transport marijuana from one facility to another. It would impose a 3 percent tax on retailers' gross income and authorize doctors to prescribe nonsmokable forms of marijuana.

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New Drug Approved to Treat Opioid Addiction
Kelowna Now
October 13, 2015

Health Minister Terry Lake announced PharmaCare, the province's drug plan, will now cover Suboxone. The British Columbia government made this decision because research showed Suboxone's proven effectiveness for treating addictions related to heroin, oxycodone, and fentanyl.

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Northeast/Mid-Atlantic News

Gov. Baker Files New Substance Use Legislation, MA Medical Society Has Concerns
October 16, 2015

The Massachusetts governor proposed legislation designed to increase medical detection and intervention among patients suffering from addiction and increase education about substance use disorder. The Massachusetts Medical Society expressed concern about mandating prescription drug monitoring program use when prescribing opiates to existing patients and about a provision requiring involuntary commitment of patients with opioid use disorders.

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South News

Heroin Overdoses, Deaths About Double This Year in Virginia Beach
Jane Harper, The Virginia Pilot
October 14, 2015

Virginia Police Chief Jim Cervera reported that the number of heroin overdoses and deaths in Virginia Beach so far this year has about doubled last year's number. The city had 109 overdoses in the first 9 months of 2015; the total last year was 56. So far this year there have been 28 fatal overdoses, compared with 10 in 2014.

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Sarasota Deputies to Get Counter-Heroin Injectors
Kimberly Kuizon, Fox 13 News
October 9, 2015

Sarasota County deputies will be the first in Florida to carry naloxone injectors. A pharmaceutical company donated 800 injection devices.

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Midwest News

Michigan House Approves Bill Protecting Youth Who Report Prescription Drug–Related Overdoses
Daily Journal
October 14, 2015

The Michigan House approved a bill that would exempt people under 21 from prosecution if they call 911 to report an overdose or other prescription drug–related health emergency. The bill heads to the Senate.

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Bills Targeting Opiate Abuse Get Senate Committee Approval
Shamane Mills, Wisconsin Public Radio
October 14, 2015

The Wisconsin Senate Health Committee approved three bills addressing opiate misuse. One would require pharmacists and doctors to more quickly enter prescriptions into the prescription drug monitoring program database. Another would create a state registry of pain clinics. The third would require treatment programs that use methadone to report relapse rates.

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Fentanyl Overdose Deaths Rise Drastically in 2015, County Medical Examiner Says
Patrick Cooley, Northeast Ohio Media Group
October 9, 2015

Cuyahoga County (Ohio) reported 59 deaths from fentanyl overdoses in the first 8 months of 2015—up from 8-month totals of 14 in 2014 and 5 in 2013. In contrast, the fatal heroin overdose rate was stable.

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Minnesota's Drug Registry Aims to Put a Lid on Prescription Drug Abuse
Glenn Howatt, Star Tribune
October 10, 2015

Minnesota regulators have sent letters to more than 2,400 healthcare providers, warning of patients who have obtained large quantities of drugs from multiple doctors and pharmacies. In the first 10 months of 2015, the state pharmacy board flagged about 194 patients. Of those, 88 percent dropped off the list after the state notified their prescribers. The Department of Human Services found one person with 55 different prescribers for controlled substances. Records also showed two people who had made more than 130 trips to the emergency room in 1 year.

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Prescription Painkiller Abuse Cases on the Rise in Missouri Hospitals
Camille Phillips, St. Louis Public Radio
October 12, 2015

The Missouri Hospital Association reported that the rate of hospitalization due to prescription opioid abuse has increased by 137 percent since 2005. Missouri is the only state in the country without a prescription drug monitoring program.

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More Teens Are Turning to Liquid Heroin Here in the Ozarks
Jonathan Harper, KSPR
October 14, 2015

More teenagers are using liquid heroin in Ozarks, Mo. They steal it from their parents or from parents of friends. (Includes video: 1:18 minutes)

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Attorney General, Indianapolis Colts Team Up to Fight Drug Abuse
Travis Thayer
October 16, 2015

Attorney General Zoeller and the Indianapolis Colts have teamed up to address prescription drug misuse. The Indiana Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Task Force is urging teens to compete in the second annual Pledge Challenge by promising not to misuse or share prescription drugs. The high school with the highest percentage of student pledges by November 15 will win a $5,000 award from the Colts for their school. The winner will also be featured on as a community leader in combating prescription drug misuse.

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West News

Comp Institute Shows Rise in Drug Testing, Link to Opioid Use
Gloria Gonzalez, Business Insurance
October 13, 2015

A California Workers' Compensation Institute analysis of 2.8 million clinical lab service records found urine drug tests monitoring prescribed opioid pain reliever use by injured workers rose from 10 percent of all lab tests in 2007 to 59 percent in 2014. The tests cost $108 million, accounting for 23 percent of workers' comp lab payments in 2007 and 77 percent in 2014.

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Grant Awards

La Crosse County Prevention Network Gets $125,000 Grant
LaCrosse Tribune
October 13, 2015

The La Crosse County Prevention Network Coalition of Wisconsin was awarded a $125,000 federal grant to create programs preventing prescription drug, marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol misuse by youths 12 to 18.

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Grant Announcements

Partnership for Clean Competition
Pre-applications due November 1
Full applications due December 1

NIDA Translational Avant-Garde Award for Development of Medication to Treat Substance Use Disorders
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
Deadline: December 3, 2015

NJHI 2016: Building a Culture of Health in New Jersey—Communities Moving to Action, Round 2
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Deadline: January 14, 2016

Take-Back Events and Drop Boxes

Rx Drive-Thru Medicine Drop-Off on Oct. 24 in Hillsborough
NJ Advance Media (New Jersey)
October 13, 2015

Medication Take Back Event Collects More Than 2,000 Pounds of Pills
The Reflector (Washington)
October 14, 2015

Free Drug Disposal Available Seven Days a Week
Craig Moorhead, Spring Gove Herald (Minnesota)
October 14, 2015

Montclair Police Start Prescription 'Drug Drop Off Box' Program
Eric Kiefer, Montclair Patch (New Jersey)
October 12, 2015

Ocean City Police Install Medicine Drop Box in Effort to Battle Heroin Addiction
Anthony Bellano, Ocean City Patch (New Jersey)
October 9, 2015

Wyco Sheriff's Department Installs Collection Boxes for Drugs
Julia Ferrini, Wyoming County Free Press (New York)
October 14, 2015

Bridgeport Police Take Proactive Measure in Battle with Prescription Drug Abuse with New Drop-Off Box
Jeff Toquinto, Connect Bridgeport (West Virginia)
October 11, 2015§ion=News&item=Bridgeport-Police-Take-Proactive-Measure-in-Battle-with-Prescription-Drug-Abuse-with-New-Drop-Off-Box18113

Upcoming Conferences and Workshops

Sixth Annual Prescription Drug Abuse Symposium
State of Indiana, Attorney General's Office
October 28–29, 2015
Indianapolis, Indiana


143rd Annual Meeting and Exposition—Health in All Policies
American Public Health Association
October 31–November 4, 2015
Chicago, Illinois


Prescription Drug Abuse Summit
State of Arkansas
November 3, 2015
Hot Springs, Arkansas


2015 Fall Research Conference: The Golden Age of Evidence-Based Policy
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management
November 12–14, 2015
Miami, Florida


28th Annual National Prevention Network Conference: Bridging Research to Practice
National Prevention Network
November 17–19, 2015
Seattle, Washington


University of Michigan Injury Center Prescription Drug Overdose Summit
University of Michigan Injury Center
December 1, 2015
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Ensuring Access to Pain Care: Engaging Pain Medicine and Primary Care Teams
American Academy of Pain Medicine
February 18–21, 2016
Palm Springs, California

2016 National Rx Drug Summit
March 28–31, 2016
Atlanta, Georgia
The Weekly Update is a service provided by the SAMHSA Preventing Prescription Abuse in the Workplace Technical Assistance Center (PAW) to keep the field abreast of recent news and journal articles to assist in forming policy, research, and programs to reduce prescription drug misuse or abuse. Please note, the materials listed are not reflective of SAMHSA's or PAW's viewpoint or opinion and are not assessed for validity, reliability or quality. The Weekly Update should not be considered an endorsement of the findings. Readers are cautioned not to act on the results of single studies, but rather to seek bodies of evidence. Copyright considerations prevent PAW from providing full text of journal articles listed in the Weekly Update.