Evaluation of bilingual services demonstrating grants – OMH

For OMH, DSG conducted and evaluation of bilingual services for more than 60 bilingual/bicultural health services demonstration grants targeting populations with limited English-speaking ability. English-language minorities included speakers of Spanish, Vietnamese, Khmer, Lao, Chinese, Samoan, Tagalog, Wolof, Fulani, Korean, Thai, Cherokee, Choctaw, and other languages.


Several of these languages are spoken either by DSG staff or by members of the multicultural Project Advisory Committee. The evaluation collected quantitative and qualitative data through mail and telephone surveys of past grantees (sample of the total), and site visits to a sample of current grantees. Results included extensive information on program characteristics, populations and clients served, barriers to providing health services, and program-specific needs. Through the process of conducting the evaluation, and in close collaboration with grantees and the Project Advisory Committee, DSG developed forms and protocols designed to capture the breadth of program experiences.


Please contact DSG President Marcia Cohen at [email protected] or 301.951.0056.