You have questions. DSG gets the answers.
In keeping with our mission of science in the service of people, the researchers and support personnel who make up DSG’s Qualitative and Quantitative Research team assist clients and consumers alike in making evidence-based decisions about behavioral health, justice, and education policies, programs, practices, and interventions.
Indeed, DSG is an international leader in evidence assessment, having worked for decades to identify the best of science through systematic, rigorous analysis and to share that knowledge with the public.
Featured Project
Identity Theft—Recover Me if You Can
For the National Institute of Justice, DSG carried out a multimethod research study to assess the effects and quality of services provided to victims of serious identity theft across four types of outcomes: social problems, mental health problems, physical health problems, and financial problems. The study consisted of three components.

You have questions. DSG gets the answers.
In keeping with our mission of science in the service of people, the researchers and support personnel who make up DSG’s Research and Evaluation Division team assist clients and consumers alike in making evidence-based decisions about behavioral health, justice, and education policies, programs, practices, and interventions.
Indeed, DSG is a leader in evidence assessment, having worked for decades to identify the best of science through systematic, rigorous analysis and to share that knowledge with the public.
Featured Project
Identity Theft—Recover Me if You Can
For NIJ, DSG is conducting a multi-method research study to assess the effects and quality of services provided to victims of serious identity theft across four types of outcomes: social problems, mental health problems, physical health problems, and financial problems. The study consists of three components.
DSG engages in original quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research to shed light on poorly understood phenomena. Our researchers design, conduct, and analyze data from
- Surveys
- Structured interviews
- Impact evaluations
- Outcome evaluations
- Pilot studies
- Process evaluations
- Case studies
- Focus groups
- Site visits
- Ethnographic mapping
- Participant observation
- Randomized controlled trials
- Quasi-experimental research
- Community-based participatory research
Our researchers are also adept at conducting systematic research reviews, meta-analyses, and secondary data analysis of small to large datasets, including
- U.S. Census Data
- Buprenorphine Waiver Notification System
- National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System
- Treatment Episode Data Set
- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
- Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System
- Uniform Crime Reports
- Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System
- National Survey on Drug Use and Health
- National Health Interview Survey

DSG engages in original quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research to shed light on poorly understood phenomena. Our researchers design, conduct, and analyze data from:
- Surveys
- Structured interviews
- Impact evaluations
- Outcome evaluations
- Pilot studies
- Process evaluations
- Case studies
- Focus groups
- Site visits
- Ethnographic mapping
- Participant observation
- Randomized controlled trials
- Quasi-experimental research
- Community-based participatory research
Our researchers are also adept at conducting systematic research reviews, meta-analyses, and secondary data analysis of small-to-large datasets, including
- U.S. Census Data
- Buprenorphine Waiver Notification System
- National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System
- Treatment Episode Data Set
- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
- Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System
- Uniform Crime Reports
- Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System
- National Survey on Drug Use and Health
- National Health Interview Survey