DSG Studying Domestic Terrorist Groups

For the National Institute of Justice, DSG is investigating the characteristics of domestic terrorist groups in the United States. Under the leadership of Dr. Arie Perliger, an expert in the study of domestic terrorism, DSG is building an analytical framework that law-enforcement agencies and their partners can use to shape counterterrorism strategies tailored to each group’s tactics and operational environment.


For the National Institute of Justice, DSG is studying the characteristics and operations of five categories of domestic terrorists—skinheads, neo-Nazis, sovereign citizens, militias, and Christian-identity groups—and constructing an analytical framework that law-enforcement agencies and their partners can use to shape counterterrorism strategies tailored to each group’s tactics and operational environment. The investigation employs mixed methods, including incident analysis, perpetrator analysis, and discourse analysis. These analyses will lead to the formation of tools that can


  • Identify and distinguish between radicalization and pre-attack behaviors of perpetrators of different groups.
  • Identify which societal, economic, and political environment is most likely to facilitate violence of a specific group.
  • Distinguish between the specific patterns of online communications and activities of the different groups.
  • Recognize the linkages between individuals’ emotional manifestations online and their potential radicalization as they relate to specific types of groups. Findings from the study will serve as the evidence base for online learning modules and an outreach campaign to practitioners, policymakers, law enforcement agencies, and cyber divisions.


For more information about the Domestic Terrorism project, contact DSG Deputy Project Manager Eoin Healy at 301.951.0056 or [email protected]