Reviews, Reporting, Dissemination and Development for What Works Clearinghouse

The U.S. Department of Education’s (ED’s) What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) serves as an authoritative voice on evidence regarding the efficacy of programs, practices, and policies in prekindergarten through postsecondary education.

For the Reviews, Reporting, Dissemination, and Development (R2D2) indefinite-delivery–indefinite-quantity (IDIQ), DSG works with ED’s Institute of Education Sciences to update current WWC products by integrating new studies into the evidence base, to disseminate new products that explain how to use WWC products, and to conduct evidence reviews for grant competitions so that ED can fund projects with evidence of effect.


DSG reviews evidence and developing products to support the WWC, an evidence-based repository. The IES established the WWC in 2002 to provide educators, policymakers, researchers, and the public with a central and trusted source of scientific evidence of what works in education to improve student outcomes. DSG produces study reviews, intervention reports, practice guides, and systematic reviews of research evidence. For this project, DSG 1) develops review protocols that specify the research questions to be answered in the topic area, the search strategy to find relevant studies, and explicit inclusion and exclusion criteria to assess each potential study; 2) identifies the topic area boundaries, including types of interventions, outcomes, populations, and contexts; 3) selects eligible studies; 4) assesses each study according to the protocol specifications; and 5) summarizes the results of the eligible studies in its products.


For more information about R2D2, contact DSG President Marcia Cohen at or 301.951.0056.