DSG updating design of USDA recipe inventory
For the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), DSG is designing and producing Portable Document Files (PDFs) of 560 standardized recipes (480 in English, 80 in Spanish) that are logically organized, easy to understand, Section 508 compliant, and printable on a home printer. The recipes will be used by operators of FNS Child Nutrition Programs (CNPs) that serve millions of children and more than 120,000 older adults and chronically impaired and disabled persons daily. In addition, millions of households will be able to access the recipes on FNS websites at no cost.
This project involves the creation, using Adobe InDesign, of six different design templates, from which FNS will choose two—one for recipes yielding six servings and another for larger-quantity recipes. DSG also is copyediting the recipes to ensure they comply with the U.S. Government Printing Office style guidelines and specifications from the USDA Office of Communications; are free of spelling, grammatical, and typographical errors and incorrect or broken website links; and are not missing any information.
FNS’ mission is to increase food security and reduce hunger by providing children and low-income people with access to food, a healthful diet, and nutrition education in a way that supports American agriculture and inspires public confidence. The agency’s CNPs include the National School Lunch Program, Afterschool Snack Program, School Breakfast Program, Summer Food Service Program, and Child and Adult Care Food Program. These initiatives offer nutritionally balanced, standardized, and low-cost or free meals and snacks to children and older adults and chronically impaired or disabled persons in a wide range of settings (e.g., schools, afterschool care programs, childcare centers, adult daycare centers, daycare homes, summer programs, emergency shelters) across the country.
All meals and snacks served in CNPs must meet certain meal pattern requirements. Menu planning resources such as the 560 standardized recipes are valuable tools that help program operators meet these meal requirements. Standardized recipes also assist with controlling food costs and with ensuring program participants receive a delicious, well-prepared meal every time the recipes are used.
Resource 1
Resource 2
Resource 3
Resource 4
Resource 5
For More Information About the USDA FNS recipe redesign
Contact DSG President Marcia Cohen at 301.951.0056 or mcohen@dsgonline.com