DSG Management of NREPP

DSG conducted scientific reviews for the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP), a searchable database of more than 350 mental health and substance abuse interventions. DSG also managed the NREPP Learning Center.


Created by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), NREPP was designed to improve access to information on evaluated interventions and bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and its practical application in the field.

Each published program has been reviewed to assess the rigor of the study, quality of research, impact on eligible outcomes, and availability of training and implementation materials.

Learning Center and Website
The NREPP Learning Center featured helpful resources and materials for program planning, implementation, and evaluation, including literature reviews, reports, webinars, videos, original papers, and a glossary of defining terms frequently used in behavioral health research, programs, and practices.

DSG redesigned the NREPP website and relaunched the site in 2015. In addition to a new design and content, the site included videos and podcasts featuring developers of evidence-based programs and experts on dissemination and implementation.


Please contact DSG President Marcia Cohen at mcohen@dsgonline.com or 301.951.0056.